Priyanka Chopra was born in Jamshedpur, India on July 18, 1982. Chopra received the title of Miss India in her high school and then won Miss World 2000. After that international success, Chopra became a star in Bollywood and turned her attention to film. Chopra made waves on American television through Quantico, the FBI drama Quantico, which aired from 2015 until 2018 and became a major news item with her wedding to singer and actor Nick Jonas in December 2018. In 2003 she appeared in her debut Bollywood film, The Hero: Love Story of a Spy. Also, she was in Andaaz the same year, which debuted the film industry with a series of films like Plan, Kismat and Asambhav. Although the majority of these films didn't make the cut at the box office the romantic comedy of Chopra Mujhse Karogi was a big hit. At the age 20, Chopra made her debut in the 2002 film Thamizhan and followed it that very year with Jeet: Born to Win. Of her debut, Chopra was clear: "I did not like it!" she has said. "I wanted it to end once I was done with it!" "I didn't know what was going on." Nick Jonas, actor and actress and singer-actor, announced their engagement in the summer of 2018. The couple announced their engagement in July. Jonas is reported to propose on Chopra's 36th birthday. They were married during a lavish, multi-day affair that began on December 1 and ended on December 1, 2018.
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