Katy Perry's triumph over Taylor Swift in Forbess top-paid women for music may titillate people who enjoy low grade pop beef. The true drama and the possibility of a risk to Taylor Swift's standing is down the Forbes top 10. at No. 8, just below Rihanna and ahead of both Celine Dion and Britney Spears sits Helene Fischer. Who? Well a tight-lipped German-Russian superstar clearly keen to keep her appeal to all women for only one thing. In her extensive interviews she only mentions she enjoys butter made by artisanal. Her boyfriend who is a German television star was shocked to find her tattooed face on his forearm. Fischer 34 can be described as the star for the German Schlager scene. Her music is versatile and tends towards two different direction. The second song has more of a bierhalle rhythm that focuses on the topics of booze girls as well as the German. Fischer is the person who represents this foil. a faithful woman whose heart is slurred and her breathing slows while she contemplates the way her devoted husband plays the female vulnerability in order to enthuse the protection instincts of. Schlager returned to the traditional music in order to combat the western pop which had swept through Germany. Infinite Schlager television specials, Fischer presents them every Christmas. They're a depressing revue of all-stars that make Jools Annual Hootenanny sound like channel 4s Club X. Schlager's down-home roots are country music's spiritual cousin. Fischer gives the genre an aggressive, synth-pop update to match her German Taylor Swift. Swifts music has evolved and transformed her into a cool person, while Fischer's music is utterly awful.
Claudia Wells was an American actor who was born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but raised to San Francisco CA. Wells achieved celebrity status by portraying Jennifer Parker Marty McFly in the 1985 Back to the Future film. Wells was a co-star with a number of celebrities in the anti drug music videos that were sponsored by the Reagan regime. Next, in 1985 she was the lead actor in the television film Babies Having Babies. This was a TV version of Fast Times from 1982. Claudia had a successful career as becoming a star in the Hollywood scene. But, after her mom was diagnosed with cancer Claudia was forced to take off from her career. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called KidsInTheSpotlight.org. Claudia is credited with over fifty episodes in film, TV and stage. But she still believes her best on-screen career lies ahead, as she continues to look for gritty and unconventional parts. Claudia Wells is an upscale male clothing store known as Armani Wells. You can learn more about the company by visiting the website ClaudiaWells.com.

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